A little eye candy

As I said.. I'm back with pictures!!

This was the snow we were left with after yesterday's storm. It was coating EVERYTHING! This was taken this morning.. and right now at 5:30 it's at least half gone! Gotta love Minnesota..

No specific reason to include this photo.. except that I just loved all the colorful fruits down the line! I also had to get a snapshot of the wayyyy overpriced Naked and other brand juices.. $4 a bottle?? I don't think so!

This is only part of what I picked up.. but MAN! I spent $70 bucks at Lunds! I rarely shop there. My grocery store go-to's are: my local Co-Op, Trader Joes, and CostCo.

My famous (yes.. famous) pumpkin shake! Someone asked for the recipe.. so here's how I make it:
1/2 cup pumpkin
1 container vanilla soy yogurt
1/2 cup soy milk
1 scoop vegan vanilla protein powder (*I forgot this when I first posted!)
pumpkin pie spice
a little splenda
3 ice cubes
and I'm pretty much in LOVE with my magic bullet. So in love in fact that we have TWO! That guy's not kidding.. it really is the ultimate party machine! I
My pumpkin shake, basking in all it's glory in Arch Studio. Gotta love my freebie Quality Housing 2 Offer bottle!

I'm off to running club in a little bit.. I believe there's only 5 miles on the schedule for tonight. Aah I'm just ready for it to be summer! I want to school to be done.. I wanna go back to work.. I want a TAN and WARM WEATHER. So hey summer.. hurry the heck up already!



  1. Anonymous said,

    oh my goodness! pumpkin shake ~ i need to try that!!!!! i love pumpkiny-stuff ;) great idea!

    on April 2, 2008 at 2:50 AM

  2. Brian said,

    do you have a the Magic Bullet?! I have one, and it looks like you are a big fan as well!

    (Boston Brian)

    on April 2, 2008 at 9:34 AM