see last: reasons why I run

Freebies. Why else would I pay money to run when I can do it for free? $35 bucks for a 5K? Psh.. that's like $11/mile! So unless a race is offering some sweet goodies, post race food, a shirt, a mug, or stellar age group winner prizes (OK.. or if the money benefits a good cause), chances are I'm not signing up.

This is the fruit of my labor - what I bought with my $25 gift certificate to Run N Fun for winning my age group at the Securian Frozen Half marathon. I was really struggling to pick between this and a different nike sports bra, especially since this is that weird midriff length. (Is that how it's spelled? I've never had to write it before..) Anyways, I have about a bajillion sports bras, and this looked really pretty.. so midriff it is! And yes.. that would be Mrs Martha's magazine in the background.

Run today was 9 miles easy with a friend. My shins were feeling crappy from that DAMN TREADMILL I was forced to run on during the storm last Monday. I was not made to run on a moving sidewalk. My head says yes - my feet say no.

Dinner tonight - Eggplant Parmesan. The picture doesn't do justice to the holy goodness of this plate. Were there more, I would have had more. And probably more. Instead I'm putting a pretty good dent in an ice cream float right now =]

Still looking for lunch tote suggestions. I went all over the freaking city - Twin Cities Green, Linden Hills Natural Home, the Co-Op, Whole Foods, Sur La Tab, Trader Joes.. no one has what I'm looking for!! Grrr. Ok - homework time. Maybe.



  1. Anonymous said,

    Nice sports bra... that is awesome that you could use your gift certificate for it :)

    Good luck w/ the school work!

    on April 5, 2008 at 7:39 AM

  2. Robin said,

    Hehe, you know you are a real runner when 9 miles and easy can be found in the same sentence. Great job!

    on April 5, 2008 at 3:39 PM

  3. gc said,

    Yum! I've been meaning to try Eggplant Parm. Someday! Eggplant kind of intimidates me! And cute sports bra! Usually we don't get very exciting freebies for skating...just a fleece (if we are lucky), garment bags, pens, towels, lunch bags, etc. Ha! Have a great Sunday!

    on April 6, 2008 at 5:47 AM