where is my effing hat!?
And no.. it's not on my head! It's my white nike drifit one, and I know I had it on yesterday when I came home from running club.. and I obviously took it off before I got in the shower. It didn't sprout any freakin Nike legs and run away.. so WHY CAN'T I FIND IT! I have seriously searched the entire house. And my car. GRRR!
Another crappy day here weather wise.. make that another crappy week! I had to bail on my psych today because I got halfway there, and realized I was going to run out of gas, and I didn't have my wallet! Never leave home without emergency money. Whatever.. it's been a productive day. I'm meeting my friend in half an hour for a good catch-up run, and I'm going to see Run Fatboy Run tonight with some of the crew from running club. There's light somewhere in my day!
Hahha is it weird that I drink smoothies out of beer glasses? These are like the only glasses that fit my mondo concoctions (this one being a lemon/lime/vanilla smoothie.. YUMM!) Oh.. and my cute easter starbucks travel mug?? The first time I used it, it leaked into the inside core plastic part! I brought it to a different Starbucks and explained the deal.. and they let me pick out a new one!! They were all out of the easter ones, but the ladies were so sweet! Here's my new traveling companion:
I'd like to leave you all with one of my favorite quotes. A super special prize if you can guess where it's from! (If you're friends with me on facebook.. you're disqualified!)
"If I have given my all and still do not win, I haven't lost. Others might remember winning or losing; I remember the journey."
So I'm just curious.. what do you guys think about the whole situation in Tibet and the possible boycotting of the Beijing games?
I found my hat by the way.. and in time for my run too! It was hanging on the back of my bedroom door. I think I need to just wear it all the time. I keep losing my favorite hats!
Or DID IT grow little Nike legs?
I gotta make me a smoothie, hah. About the Tibet protests. Although I don't know what the whole protesting is about, it seems it is purely because the Olympics are being held in China. Had it been anywhere else I don't think there would be protesters.
It's an abomination (oh yea, big word) to see the World Games be tainted (nother big word) by these protesters. Especially after seeing the flame be put out in Paris (Twice), it is only being done to protest against China, those should be kept separate from the one time the whole world has no conflict, the Olympic Games.
A broad view I guess. I have been to Beijing twice, and I couldn't picture a more historical or beautiful place to hold the games.
just my thoughts :-)
Gave ya a shout out over on my blog, you raised a good question!
Glad to hear that you found your hat & I LOVE that you drink smoothies out of beer glasses... ;) Such a fun idea haha...